This post is all about how to save money homesteading.
Looking to save a few extra bucks while homesteading? Here are some tips (in no particular order) on how to save money homesteading.
Use Family Cloth
Toilet paper can add to those bills, but there is a great, cheaper alternative: family cloth. Family cloth is a cloth, reusable, washable, toilet paper. We have been using family cloth for two years now and haven’t looked back! In this post we cover how to make it if you are interested.
Grow What You Eat, Eat What You Grow
There is SO much food to eat on a homestead! Utilize it! The food on most homesteads is extremely under utilized. Eat what you grow and grow what you eat. It can save your grocery bill big time, plus a lot of the food you grow yourself is healthier and may end up saving you health care bills down the line.
Line Dry
Sunshine is free! Enjoy drying on the line as much as you can. In some areas, weather may not permit year round line drying, but do it as much as you can, it can save you big!
Pasture Raise Your Animals
Animal feed can be PRICY. Cut spending in this area but pasture raising your animals. Not only is it better for your animals, but if managed properly can be really good for your sail and the health of your land as well. My go to resource for all things pasture raising animals is Allan Savory. He has an awesome book, Holistic Management which I highly recommend. You can find it here on Amazon. Or check out the Savory Institute, which has lots of good resources as well.
Wash PLastic Bags
When your done using a zip lock, wash er out! Put over a whisk to dry.
Buy in Bulk
The food that you do buy instead of growing yourself, buy in bulk. Buying in bulk can save you money. Be careful with this one, as it is easy to get carried away and then end up wasting food. But if you’ll eat it buy in bulk. One of my favorite bulk retailers is Azure Standard, they have drop off locations all around United States and I love them. They often have items that are challenging to find. Check out their website here.
Buy from the Source
Another good option for saving on the grocery bill is to buy from the grower themselves. Often the grower will have a lower price than if you were to go retail. I have found reasonably priced organic wheat this way.
Check Out Local Tree PLanting Programs
Want to get those trees in but not spend an arm and a leg doing it? There are loads of tree planting programs out there that offer affordable native and non native trees and shrubs. Ask at your local university or feed store to see what is in your area.
Heat With WOod
This one will save you money but not necessarily labor. Though is can take an initial investment in equipment up front, heating with a wood stove can really save you in the long run, especially if you haul your own wood. Want to learn more, check out this post on how to heating with wood for beginners.
Use the Local Library
I could spend my whole budget on books, so a library is a budget saver for me and it could be for you too. Not only are there book libraries, but some areas offer tool and equipment libraries.
Have Fun At Home
Instead of having a night out on the town, have fun at home. Find ways to have fun and enjoy yourself at home, whether that be an at home movie night, a nice homemade dinner or a game night or whatever fits your mojo.
Drive Less
Driving less can really save you money homesteading. Try to consolidate errands and learn to enjoy being home.
Save Seed
I LOVE saving seeds. Not only can this save you money, but it can make your garden grow much better too. As seeds grow in your area they adapt and generation after generation you get a plant that is perfect for your garden.
Start Your Own Seedlings
Starting your own seedlings is a great way to save money homesteading. Another plus is that is gives you access to varieties of the plant you might not be able to get at a nursery. Check out this article from garden betty on how to start your own seedlings.
Save veggie trimmings for veggie broth
When you cut the stems off your carrots, or core your bell peppers, put them in a bag or container in your freezer and save them up till you have enough to make veggie broth ( I usually make it once a have a gallon zip lock 3/4 of the way full.) Veggie broth is made by covering you veggie trimmings with water and simmering them for 6-8 hours and then removing them. Use the homemade broth anywhere you would other veggie broths.
Stay Out of Debt
If you can, stay out of debt. It ultimately costs you in the end and can be a real stressor.
Live In a Trailer
If you are looking for economical housing consider living in a trailer. While maybe not the most glamourous, they can be comfortable and help you save money while homesteading.
Don’t buy, Build
If you can build it, don’t buy it. This one can be hard though, because you have to balance your time and your money and which is more valuable to you. But if it is worth is to you build it yourself.
Thrift Store Shop
Thrift stores can be treasure troves of stuff. Not only can you get clothes there but often people drop off old equipment that is hard to find everywhere else.
Add to your gardens production capacity by composting and building your soil. Buying in soil amendments can get expensive, especially on larger homesteads, so save by composting yourself. Here is a post where we cover our top tips for composting success.
Eat Healthy
Think of it as medical bill prevention, eat healthy.
Explore Tax Breaks
Many areas offer tax breaks for land that is used agriculturally. Explore these, they can really help you save big.
Preserve Your Own Food
Preserving your own food is a great way to help stretch out the garden abundance into the off season. We love pasta sauce at our house and we can eat it well into February and March.
The Big Picture
When striving to save money keep the big picture in mind. Save money in ways that are a help not a hinderance. Sometimes is can be worth it to save your worry and effort and spend the money.
I hope this list was helpful and gave you some ideas for what can help you save money homesteading. How do you save money homesteading?
Check out the homesteading resource page for more awesome books and resources on homesteading!